Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jump Manual Review

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If you're looking for a full review of the Jump Manual continue reading.

Jump Manual Review

The Jump Manual was created to show people how to jump higher in basketball and all other athletic events. The creator is Jacob Hiller who is a respected basketball coach and trainer. Jacob Hiller has spent a lot of his time figuring out how to improve an athlete's vertical leap. Once he figured this out he then created the Jump Manual which is filled with information as well as training on how to increase your vertical leap by 10 inches or more. If you're a basketball player this program will teach you how to jump higher in basketball and dunk for the first time. If you are able to dunk, this program will help you jump higher which will lead to better dunks. The Jump Manual will work for anyone in any sport whether its volleyball or even netball. You will learn how to improve your athletic performance and how to use your bodies muscles to increase your vertical leap. The Jump Manual is packed with training that will make your muscles stronger. You will find advice on dieting that will increase your vertical leap potential and help with recovery from training. The Jump Manual takes a scientific approach towards jumping higher and increasing athletic ability. The whole program consists of an Ebook, videos, workout program charts, and the vertical jump training program.

 Benefits of the Jump Manual

The Jump Manual will work for anyone. It will work for any age or gender. You will learn which parts of your body are very important in jumping higher. Those of you are looking to start dunking the basketball, this is for you. The Jump Manual is designed to show you how to jump higher in basketball and increase your vertical jump by 10 inches or more which will definitely have you dunking, especially if you're touching the rim or close to it. The system is an eBook which also contains videos that will show you what you need to do in order to start jumping higher. You will also get one on one coaching which is a great addition.

Weaknesses of the Jump Manual 

The Jump Manual will show you how to jump higher but it won't show you how to do a windmill or a 360 dunk. You will need to try these things on your own once you are able to jump pretty high. You also have to be dedicated and consistent. Once you start the training you need to progress through it and keep going for 12 weeks in order to get the most out of it. If you're lazy or you're one of those people who like to start something and don't finish then this may not be very effective for you. The people that will get the best results are the ones who are willing to do what the system says and don't give up until they reach their goals.


  • Instant download in pdf form
  • Very easy to understand
  • 24-hour email support
  • 60-day money back guarantee
  • Multiple testimonials on the official website
  • 30 days of 1 on 1 email coaching with the creator of the Jump Manual Jacob Hiller
  • You have to follow the training consistent;y or you won't get the best results
  • It may take up to 2-4 weeks before you see any significant results

  • One on One Coaching
  • Elite Jumper Forum Access
  • Interview With NBA Shooting Coach Dave Hopla who has worked with NBA professionals
  • Interview With Peak Performance Psychologists Dr. Patrick

Final Thoughts

The Jump Manual will show you what you need to do to start jumping higher. If you want to know how to jump higher in basketball or any other sport will benefit from the information and training in the system. There are testimonials on the site which shows all different kinds of people who have had success using the system. Jacob Hiller really shows his expertise in the vertical jump training subject, and you will learn a lot of things you didn't know about jumping higher. One of the biggest things that sets this program apart from the rest is the personal coaching from Jacob Hiller. You will be able to contact him personally on Skype and you will also have the option to email him. This is the complete vertical jump package and I highly recommend it.

50 Inch Vertical Review

If you want to cut through the review and go straight to the 50 Inch Vertical homepage then click the link below.

If you're looking for a full review of the Jump Manual continue reading.

50 Inch Vertical Review 

 The 50 Inch Vertical program, created by Jeffrey M. James will show you how to jump higher and increase your vertical. This is a powerful course that has been designed to help people get up to a 50 inch vertical.

You will discover how to gain at least 10 inches on your vertical jump and start dunking. You will start to see some results in days but you will begin seeing significant results in as little as 4 weeks. It doesn't matter if you're a male or female, how old you are, what race you are, what your height is, or what experience you have because the author guarantees the program will work for you.

You will learn the exact step-by-step system to train your body and improve your vertical jump. The author combined all the knowledge of hundreds of athletes, training programs, guides, and professional trainers and he put it into one system that is easy to understand and implement.

The 50 Inch Vertical is very effective and easy to follow. By following the system you can improve your vertical jump much faster than you thought possible. The system will most certainly help you perform better at your sports including basketball, soccer, football, and baseball.

 If you want to jump higher and increase your athletic ability the 50 Inch Vertical program will benefit you. The program is for all ages and will work for males or females. It doesn't matter if you're an experienced athlete or you've never played a sport in your life, the 50 Inch Vertical program was created to help anyone increase their vertical jump by at least 10 inches or more.
About the Author

Jeffrey James said that he wasn't always a good basketball player despite playing basketball his whole life. After he failed to make the college basketball team he decided to take action. He started to train extremely hard and began asking for tips and secrets from his coach and athletic teammates who could dunk. After his training he was only able to increase his vertical jump by 4 inches which wasn't what he expected.

Jeffrey James purchased different training programs that were supposed to help him jump higher and start dunking but they didn't work very well and took a long time to see any results. He decided to spend some money he had saved up to to have a training session with a professional NBA trainer and he realized all the stuff he knew about vertical jumping wasn't true and he'd been training the wrong way for five years.

Jeffrey used the information he learned to create his own training plan and he finally got the results he was hoping for. Jeffrey James now wants to help others jump higher and start dunking with the information he learned and tested. The 50 Inch Vertical includes techniques, exercises, and tips that will have you gaining inches to your vertical within a few days.

Benefits of the 50 Inch Vertical

In the 50 Inch Vertical you’ll be able to customize your workout plans. Everybody is different which is why I think the ability to customize your workout plan is a great feature to have in any program. You will learn the importance of plyometrics and how it can help you make some serious gains in your vertical jump. 

The 50 Inch Vertical program gives you an exact step-by-step system to work out your body and enhance your vertical jump. The 50 Inch Vertical will show you how to push your body to the next level with a series of exercises that, will increase your enegy level and your strength, which in turn leads to greater jumping ability. You will learn what foods to eat for maximum results. Just by following the training you will start running faster, moving quicker, and improve your overall athletic performance.

Weaknesses of the 50 Inch Vertical

The 50 Inch Vertical is a powerful system that will show you how to start jumping higher and improve your vertical jump but it isn't a magic pill. Don't expect to be jumping 50 inches in the air in one day. This program can help you achieve a 50 inch vertical, but it will take hard work and determination. If you can follow directions and you're not afraid of working hard, then you won't find anything wrong with this system.

  • Workout plans are customizable.
  • 100% money back guarantee for 60 days if you're unsatisfied with the product.
  • The 50 Inch Vertical is very easy to follow and is a proven and very effective method for improving your vertical jump.
  • The program improves your overall athletic ability not just your vertical jump 
  • The program includes an instant download eBook that comes with pictures and videos.
  • Includes pictures and video tutorials that show you how to do the exercises.
  • 30 days of free email coaching
  • If you don't do the exercises you won't get any results. (You should already know that anyway)

Final Thoughts

The 50 Inch vertical system certainly delivers on its promise. The system will guide you step by step and show you the exact exercises and training strategies that the professionals use to improve their vertical jumps. If you follow the system consistently you will improve your vertical even if you think that you're not athletic or nothing has ever worked for you in the past. With the 100% 60 day money back guarantee you really have nothing to lose.
